April 19 – May 11, 2024: “Jenny Blazing: Scapes”, An Exhibit by Featured Artist Jenny Blazing

artwork by Jenny Blazing
acrylic painting incorporating hand-painted original papers on stretched canvas, 36” x 36″
5 Points Gallery in downtown Durham presented our exhibition titled “Jenny Blazing: Scapes”, opening on Friday April 19th. Jenny’s acrylic and collage paintings are her response to the diverse landscapes surrounding us. Each stroke of color, each layer of texture, is a tribute to the breathtaking natural panorama of our state— from our rolling hills and sun-drenched fields, to our skies bursting with drama. Employing counterintuitive patterns and playful juxtapositions, these paintings invite viewers to explore the intersection of fantasy and reality, where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. This exhibition was on display in our downtown Durham gallery from April 19 through May 11, 2024.
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